Link Profile Audits

Link Profile Audits

Your Problem:

  • Toxic Inbound Link Profiles will trigger Manual Actions from Google
  • To stay safe, you need to stay on top of your inbound Link Profile’s quality
  • Your SEO Agency never told you what link building techniques they used
  • And you can’t tell which Inbound Links are good and which are bad
  • If you disavow too many links and harm your SEO, but if you miss the real culprits, your site gets penalized
  • The Backlink advice you find online is ambiguous and conflicting at best

Our Solution:

For ArcLite Solutions Specialists, inbound link audits are second nature. Specializing in Google Penalty Recovery, we’ve dealt with toxic link profiles on a daily basis for many years, lifting countless manual actions during this time.

Whether your website is faced with one of Google’s Manual Link Actions already, or you want to ensure you’re not likely to face any future difficulties, our link auditing services will eliminate any toxic elements present and get your website’s backlink profile back to safe levels.

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There are differences between Remedial and Preventive Link Audits

Link Profile AuditsIf your website is hit by one of Google’s Manual Link Actions (read:penalties), the link audit’s sole focus is to undo the damage caused and get your online business functioning normally again. And because Google’s review teams scrutinize the actions and effort being put into the cleanup process, expecting an equivalent amount of effort to that expended creating the toxic links in the first place, a remedial link audit will require a far deeper level of detail and documentation than a simple preventive audit.

Remedial Link Audits to Lift Penalties

Link penalty recovery takes time. Google needs to be shown “Contrition”, that you’ve made a genuine effort to correct the situation which caused to manual action to be leveled against your website to begin with. Not only will low quality links need to be identified, they will need to be cataloged to get as many as possible removed at the point of origin. This removal process involves reaching out to the webmasters of ALL sites containing low-quality links to yours and asking them to remove those links at their end… repeatedly if needs be.

Simply sending a quick message, asking for link removal, is not sufficient to constitute “Effort” in the eyes of Google’s reconsideration review teams. If you don’t get an answer the first time, you’ll need to repeat the request. What’s more, you’ll need to document your efforts at getting links removed, for inclusion with your website’s reconsideration request, once again to demonstrate your level of “Effort & Contrition”. This means that the average time it takes to get ready to file a reconsideration request is around four weeks. That’s a lot of lost traffic and revenue.

Preventive Inbound Link Audits

By contrast, a preventive link audit is a simple affair. It involves creating a list of all toxic links, including them in a Link Disavow File and uploading this file in Google’s Search Console. This normally only takes a few days to reflect in Google’s perception of your website.

Once uploaded the content of this file informs the search giant’s algorithms about which links to ignore when assessing your website’s backlink profile for ranking purposes. More importantly, this file will also prevent a manual link action, because it shows that you’ve taken a proactive approach in dealing with your spam links before getting caught.

Further, keeping your site’s inbound link profile clean will significantly lower the chances of an old-school Negative SEO Link Attack being successful, if a jealous competitor or disgruntled ex-employee takes aim at your company’s web presence.

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Our link auditing services can help your website avoid taking an expensive Google Hit.

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